Empirical exploration of the circumplex model and subjective well-being on employees

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Șerban Andrei Zanfirescu
Andreea Butucescu
Dragoș Iliescu


The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of the circumplex model of emotions and its relatedness with work attitudes (i.e., work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout, and workaholism). Positive affects relate to specific attitudes that enhance individuals’ wellbeing (i.e., work engagement and job satisfaction) while negative emotions emerge into feelings of burnout and workaholism. The questionnaires were to a convenient sample of 178 employees. The present study approaches the proposed hypotheses as follows: first, we have conducted a principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the number of components in which affective descriptors load. Second, the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to estimate the degree of fitness of our gathered data and the 4-factor model of subjective well-being. Third, multidimensional scaling was used to map the similarity between affective descriptors as well as the circular order of affects. Last, to investigate the relatedness of affective descriptors with work attitudes, Pearson correlation has been used. Findings of our study supported the circumplex model of affects as well as their relatedness with job attitudes. Theoretical and practical contributions are also discussed.


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Zanfirescu, Șerban A., Butucescu, A., & Iliescu, D. (2019). Empirical exploration of the circumplex model and subjective well-being on employees. Psihologia Resurselor Umane, 15(2), 125–137. Retrieved from https://www.hrp-journal.com/index.php/pru/article/view/45
Research articles
Author Biographies

Șerban Andrei Zanfirescu, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Bucharest

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences University of Bucharest

Andreea Butucescu, University of Bucharest

University of Bucharest

Dragoș Iliescu, University of Bucharest

University of Bucharest


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